Category Archives: Environment

POCUS and the Environment

Dr. Matthew Burke received his bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College and his medical degree from Albany Medical College. He completed his family medicine residency at Brown University and, through the Robert Graham Center in Washington, D.C., subsequently completed a fellowship in primary care health policy at Georgetown University. Since then, Dr. Burke has worked in federal government, academic residency practice, and urgent care. He served as the new physician member to the American Academy of Family Physicians’ (AAFP) board of directors from 2016 to 2017. He is currently practicing in Arlington, VA. He has strong interests in the social determinants of health and in particular environmental determinants, as the climate crisis threatens to be the public health emergency of the 21st century.

Climate Change Impacts on Patient Healthcare

“The face to me, of the climate crisis, is the little kid struggling to breath, and that, is scary as hell.”


Dr. Covert-Bowlds is a family doctor at Kaiser Permanente Northgate Medical Center in Seattle. He has been doing ultrasound for soft tissue diagnosis and treatment, joint and bursa aspirations, and injections. Climate activists with Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility Climate and Health Task Force. He is also a daily bicycle commuter.